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Thyroid Function

Interviews, tips, guides, industry best practices, and news.

Thyroid Function_ A Short Explanation

The thyroid hormone, the first hormone to evolve in multicellular organisms as they transitioned from the iodine-rich sea to land, has a fascinating evolutionary journey. Its development was...
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Thyroid Function and Trauma

People often ask why they become hypothyroid. While I can never answer this question thoroughly, I usually give them a possible cause by asking about their childhood. Thyroid function is always...
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Thyroid Function and the Lungs

When you can’t breathe, doing anything is tiring. Since low thyroid function slows down all physiology, it also slows down lung function. Doctors call this dyspnea, or shortness of breath and air...
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Thyroid Function and Pregnancy

I specialize in thyroid function, but I am also a mother and a grandmother. As a mother, I want to ensure that my daughter has a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. For this reason, thyroid...
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Thyroid function and Skin

When most people, even most doctors, think of hypothyroidism, they think of the symptoms of myxedema. Myxedema was the original term for hypothyroidism, first described by William Ord in 1878. This...
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Thyroid Function and Liver

I associate many negative health symptoms with low energy. Low energy causes depression, anxiety, reduced cognitive function, and certainly carbohydrate cravings. Adequate thyroid and adrenal...
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Thyroid Function and Kidneys and Electrolytes

People are aware of the symptoms of low sodium. Migraines, confusion, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, muscle spasms, and weakness are common symptoms. It’s normal to need salt after...
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Thyroid Function and Gut

Gut or digestive function is essential. It enables us to absorb nutrients so we regenerate tissue and metabolize energy. Our digestion turns what we eat into what we need to make energy and vital...
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Thyroid Function and Brain

Since the first diagnosis of hypothyroidism, various mental health issues, namely depression, dementia, and anxiety, have been associated with low thyroid function. Thyroid hormone is essential for...
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Thyroid Function and Neuropathy

Thyroid irregularity can cause strange and unexplained pain. I say irregularity because, as I have often explained to my patients, hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid, is a variation of hypo...
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Thyroid Function and Heart

Imagine moving through mud. Because of the physical resistance caused by the mud, you have to use a lot of energy to get anywhere. It’s not hard, but it’s thick. It flows all around your limbs....
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TSH is not a reliable marker to measure Thyroid Function

When your doctor tests thyroid function, TSH is the marker they will use to decide whether you are hypothyroid. They will sometimes also test free T4, the inactive thyroid hormone, but rarely free...
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Thyroid and Skeletal Health

Many people are concerned about getting enough calcium on a carnivore diet because some people feel better without dairy. I address the fear-mongering about osteoporosis and the newly minted condition
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Thyroid Function
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Thyroid Function and Blood

Thyroid dysregulation affects blood function. I see alterations to routine hematological parameters with thyroid dysregulation, such as hemoglobin, hematocrit, blood cell volume, mass and shape, a
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